ManCaves are Complete!

If you’ve been on the sidelines, waiting to see how these ManCaves actually look and feel… your time has come!  They are done, and models are open!

Our Grand Opening celebration was a bit delayed, but it sure was fun.  We were so happy to get to know all the current ManCaves owners a bit better, and to see all the great ways you are using your ManCaves. (  We have also had a successful run of sales since the event and are running our of ManCaves quite quickly!

Please call us today, if you’re about to run out of space, or want to pick up a few more toys than you have room for.

Thanks to all those that have made this possible!

-The ManCaves Team


Here are a few pictures from the event.

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Economist article on Freeports

Freeports, Über ManCaves, what in the world is going on?  This article from The Economist highlights a crazy and growing trend surrounding wealth, that is being “parked” in fancy storage facilities. For some customers, they are an attractive new breed of tax haven.  We’d never contemplated creating a tax haven… but ManCaves first location is right across the street from the Centennial airport, maybe we should seek a free port designation?

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November Newsletter

Our November update is out, check it out!  If you want to receive our monthly newsletter, sign up here.

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Fall Car Shows

The ManCaves team has been all over Colorado this fall enjoying some of the best vehicles in the state.  Take a look through this gallery to see just some of the coolest stuff on four wheels!


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ManCaves in the News…

…9news that is.  Gregg Moss recently did a story about ManCaves and our very own Jack Koson made his small screen debut!  If you’ve been wondering what we’re all about, take a few seconds and watch the video to hear it directly from one of the developers.  Are they for sale? What’s the Price? Can i use it for car storage? Just call us at (970)-ManCave (626-2283) or email [email protected].  Thanks to 9news for the coverage.

9news ManCaves from ManCaves on Vimeo.

Best shop tool ever?

How many times do you get up and down from a dolly when working on your car?  No matter the number it’s always decried as “too many.” But this new contraption just landed in my inbox and could solve that problem for ever!  The Human Hoist hydraulic chair uses battery driven motors to lift and lower you from dead flat to full sitting position, with an automatic deploying headrest to boot.  It could really call into question the need for a full-blown lift, especially in smaller garages.  This is just one of the multitude of cool toys we’ll see cruising through ManCaves in the near future.



Bomb-Proof Man Cave

Well here’s a Man Cave you don’t come across everyday, a real-deal bomb shelter!  Built by AT&T after the Cuban missile crisis to allow uninterrupted communications in the event of a an atomic bomb attack, it simply oozes cool!  Besides the blast doors and thick walls, it comes with spring mounted fixtures – including the toilet!  Interestingly, the agent has already identified a potential user as an antique car collector; we’d love to see the collection that ends up there.

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Happy 4th of July

At ManCaves we are, by our very nature, arbiters of independence.  So as we celebrate Independence Day we want to thank all those who have fought, sacrificed, supported, and championed independence both here and abroad.

We also want to thank our followers, supporters and reservation holders for their confidence in ManCaves.  We have enjoyed great press coverage, seen strong interest from business and personal buyers and have met a lot of great people; all in only our first two weeks!

Independence is the reason ManCaves exist; whether you want the freedom extra space can provide or a reprieve from the daily grind. Owning at ManCaves will give you the independence you’ve been searching for.  And, you can have one killer 4th of July barbecue! ()

Have a safe and happy 4th, and please respect the dry conditions throughout the west as you consider your fireworks celebration.

-the ManCaves Team

Government Funded ManCaves?!

Now this is taking your man cave a little too far.  Some government contractors could have used our services in Maryland to help keep their personal and work lives a bit more distant from each other.  A warehouse maintained by contractors for the Environmental Protection Agency contained secret rooms full of exercise equipment, televisions and couches, according to an internal audit. (pharmacy express)   The EPA’s inspector general found contractors used partitions, screens and piled up boxes to hide the rooms from security cameras in the 70,000 square-foot building located in Landover, Md.  Thankfully, The EPA has issued a stop work order to Apex Logistics LLC, the responsible contractor, ensuring the company’s workers no longer have access to the site.

Before we launched ManCaves, we already knew that everyone wanted one because thy are a great escape and a fun hangout.  Since then we learned (perhaps not surprisingly) about the therapeutic qualities a man cave can have on its owners.  So maybe, just maybe, in this one special case ManCaves could have even helped keep their owners out of trouble?  Yeah, probably not, preventing government fraud might be a bit too much even for a man cave!

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